2024-2025 College Catalog

Release of Student Educational Records

The following “Directory Information” may be made available to the public by Mitchell without the student’s written permission unless the student notifies the Registrar in writing by the third week of the semester that such information concerning themselves is not to be made available.

  • Student’s name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number
  • Major field of study or program, club and sport activities
  • Dates of attendance, degrees, diplomas, honors, or awards received and the most recent previous educational institution
  • Requests for confidential information will be honored without prior consent of the student in connection with an emergency.
  • Official requests in connection with the audit and evaluation of federal or state supported programs or in connection with enforcement of federal or legal requirements which relate to such programs.
  • An official order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
  • Subpoena. (Students will be notified immediately by registered mail that their records are being subpoenaed.)
  • Persons or organizations providing financial aid to the student or determining financial aid decisions.

School officials who demonstrate a legitimate educational interest will be permitted to look at the official student file for a particular student. School officials include those employed by Mitchell in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position; a person or company with whom Mitchell has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using Mitchell employees; a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her responsibilities for Mitchell.

Requests for confidential information shall not be honored without proper written consent. The written consent must specify the records or the specific data to be released and to whom it is to be released, and each request must be handled separately. Exceptions to this policy are: