2024-2025 College Catalog

Fire Protection Technology A.A.S. Degree [A55240]

Program Information

The Fire Protection Technology curriculum is designed to provide individuals with technical and professional knowledge to make decisions regarding fire protection for both public and private sectors. It also provides a sound foundation for continuous higher learning in fire protection, administration, and management.

Course work includes classroom and laboratory exercises to introduce the student to various aspects of fire protection. Students will learn technical and administrative skills such as fire prevention, building construction, arson investigation, fire protection safety, fire suppression management, law, and codes.

Graduates should qualify for employment or advancement in fire departments, governmental agencies, industrial firms, insurance rating organizations and educational organizations. Employed persons should have opportunities for skilled and supervisory-level positions within their current organizations. Students may be awarded a non-degree credential (i.e., certificate, diploma) after completing a specific portion of the Associate degree program. The Fire Protection Technology degree is offered completely online in asynchronous delivery. Students may choose to take general education and other major hours in a traditional format or online.

Semester-by-Semester Plan

First Year

Fall Semester

ENG 111Writing and Inquiry


FIP 120Introduction to Fire Protection


FIP 124Fire Prevention & Public Education


FIP 128Detection and Investigation


FIP 152Fire Protection Law


Total Credit Hours:15

Spring Semester

CIS 110Introduction to Computers


FIP 136Inspections and Codes


FIP 146Fire Protection Systems



MAT 143Quantitative Literacy



MAT 171Precalculus Algebra


Total Credit Hours:13-14

Summer Semester

Humanities/Fine Arts


Major Electives


Total Credit Hours:9

Second Year

Fall Semester

ENG 112Writing and Research in the Disciplines


EPT 140Emergency Management


FIP 132Building Construction


FIP 276Managing Fire Services


Major Elective


Total Credit Hours:15

Spring Semester

FIP 220Fire Fighting Strategies


FIP 228Local Government Finance


FIP 229Fire Dynamics and Combustion


Social Science


Total Credit Hours:12

Total Credit Hours: 64-65

Credit for experience up to nine hours of credit:

  • Students may receive credit for FIP 136/Inspections and Codes if they hold a valid level 1 Fire Inspectors Certification from the NC Office of State Fire Marshal.
  • Students may receive credit for FIP 224/Fire Instructor I and II if they hold a valid Instructors Certification from the NC Office of State Fire Marshal.
  • Students may receive credits for FIP 240/Fire Officer if they hold a valid Fire Office I and II Certification from the NC Office of State Fire Marshal.
  • Students may receive credits for FIP 124/Fire Prevention & Public Education if they hold a valid NC Fire Educator II certification from the NC Office of State Fire Marshal.
  • Students may receive credits for FIP 128/Detection and Investigation if they hold a valid NC Arson Investigator certification from the NC Office of State Fire Marshal.
  • Students may receive credits for up to 9 credit hours for a valid NC EMT certification from the NC Office of EMS.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate proficiency (80%) in the area of personnel and resource management

  • Students will demonstrate proficiency (80%) in emergency scene management

  • Students will demonstrate proficiency (80%) in fire detection and suppression systems

  • Students will demonstrate proficiency (80%) in fire cause determination

  • Students will demonstrate proficiency (80%) in fire prevention and code enforcement

Technical Requirements

Critical Thinking, Problem Solving Skills   1. Abilities are sufficient for classroom, lab, and work in industry situations      A. Receive, interpret, and correctly complete assignments such as reading, research, writing, and presentations 
B. Receive critical information and quickly synthesize a plan of action 
2. Ability to calmly intervene in various tense, stressful, emergency situations; make correct initial decisions and draw reasonable conclusions that allow selection and pursuit of acceptable outcome options; synthesize information gathered from consecutive assessments   C. Assess simulated fire scenes and interpret evidence to determine the cause of the incident 
Interpersonal Skills  1. Abilities are sufficient to interact with individuals and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds       A. Establish rapport with teammates and others participating in projects 
B. Respect and care for others whose appearance, condition, beliefs, and values may conflict with your own  
C. Demonstrate sufficient emotional health to perform under stress, exercise good judgment and promptly complete all academic and work-based learning responsibilities
Communication Skills
1. Abilities are sufficient for interaction with others in verbal and written form  A. Speak and write clearly and distinctly in interacting with team members and instructors and preparing documents and written tests 
B. Provide and follow directions from other members of the class or instructors 
C. Demonstrate active listening skills 
Coping Skills  1. Ability to deal effectively with stress produced by work and interaction situations  A. Solves personal and interpersonal problems 
B. Minimizes stress and conflict 
C. Balances internal needs and external demands 
D. Function and perform to standards in a simulated or actual rapidly changing, high-stress, dangerous environment 
E. Develop skills to become comfortable working in confined spaces and in constrictive clothing and masks 
F. Avoid the use of substances as a coping strategy
G. Ask for help with stress before reaching personal limitations 
Motor Skills 
1. Physical abilities are sufficient to move in one’s environment with ease and without restriction          
A. Most courses require motor skills (including but not limited to lifting and moving heavy ladders, pulling and lifting heavy fire hoses, and climbing stairs and ladders while carrying heavy equipment) to participate in demonstrations and skill instruction or observe activities 
B. Perform to standards in a physically demanding environment using firefighting equipment weighing 100 lbs. and dragging 165 lbs
Auditory Skills  1. Sufficient auditory ability to quickly send and receive information, engage in urgent situations, discern personal danger at emergency scenes, hear requests for aid, hear verbal orders and instructions from other people in noisy environments; safely operate fire equipment under emergency conditions  A. Discern instructors and team direction in a classroom, and outdoor, harsh, dynamic lab environment 
B. Understand spoken words over a two-way radio and public address systems
C. Detect audible emergency signals in a loud environment 
D. Review videos in the classroom, online, and lab environment 
Visual Skills  1. Visual ability is sufficient for observation and assessment necessary in the classroom, lab, and other locations on the campus  A. Read safety labels and warnings such as specific Safety Data Sheets (SDS) 
B. Discern visual information provided in the classroom and in harsh and rapidly changing firefighting lab environment 
Tactile Skills  1. A sufficient sense of touch and tactile acuity are necessary for the performance of firefighter duties   A. Discern various levels of heat in the surrounding environment, particularly when heat is rising to dangerous levels
Environmental  1. Must be able to function safely under varying environmental factors.   A. Practice standard safety precautions 
B. Perform to standards in all varieties of environments, including but not limited to outdoor, cold, hot, dark, dangerous, loud, heights, confined, and wet 
Emotional & Behavioral  1. Ability to demonstrate professional behaviors and a strong work ethic
2. Emotional stability is sufficient to maintain composure in stressful situations and assume responsibility/accountability for actions
A. Adapt rapidly to changing environments and/or stress
B. Calmly receive feedback and interact with others
C. Demonstrate flexibility, honesty, and cooperative behaviors in the classroom and lab 
D. Demonstrate high levels of personal responsibility and accountability